Me concept was just simply a surging wave of water, me take the design from a famous Japanese painting artist named (If I'm not mistaken: Hokusai), the original picture was mountain Fuji viewed from afar... while the storm was building...
Me want to place it on me leg, me right leg, note: LEG!! NOT thigh,
Me got one design, but only the frame that makes me wonder... guys.. please help me decice which one do you think will be better on me leg
This one:

or should I take this one? :

Please vote for me... :P
yang bawah aja de...
biar kek prangko....
gawsah pake bingkai coba
pasti gudz...
perahu nya ajah, ndak pake ombak.
gimana kalo framenya aja, tanpa lukisan?
kok ombak sih jes, kok ga sekalian air terjun ato air mancur .. kan air juga tuh ...
dipikir2 ombak keren juga kok, tambahin kapal nelayan biar keliatan tambah alami .. ato buntute hiu
wuekekeke... okay2. gini, dude.
tergantung lah. gambarnya mau segede apa. baru kita bicarain framenya. ok? :D
@ gum:
Sekitar 8 x 8 cm-an
bukannya kadang gambar dikertas ma gambar di tao akan sedikit beda?
artinya gambar yang bagus dikertas masih hrs di olah lagi buat tato?
tp klo pake frame si yang atas aja, yang bawah ma terlalu formal :D
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