Me Know, me know, It's been two freaking years since me made me last update, a lotta things happened, well, one of the best two things happened in me live is that me finally getting me-self a fiancée, that ended up as me wife. She made me soooo happy, and me hope me can always made her happy too.. :)
So sorry me cannot speak much of me story on me wedding and me marriage life, but one thing me love of the thing that happened on me pre-wedding pictures... The scene was simply fun, me and me wife was suppose to climb on a tree and hanging there for our dear life, while a *rabid murderous* dog was waiting for clasping her jaw at me or me wife's heel.
And the photo is fantastic!!!
It looks like Maxine was really a murderous rabid dog, while in the actual scene, she was wanted to play with us, and since we climbed the tree, she was longing for us to get down and play again with her...
She was less than 1 years old on the picture, now she's Two years old. May you live a happy and beautiful live, Maxine, thanks for the memory you share to us, on our pre-wedding day.. :)
the most astonishing and unique ideas for pre-wedding photos! i wish i can do that also in the future...
Thanks.. I believe you'll find happiness too.. :)
konsep foto prewednya asik nih! kesannya relationshipnya fun banget! Relationship emang mestinya fun
one word.... KREATIP!!
dibanding yg lain2 biasanya cuma foto2 di perkebunan ijo ato pantai (thats me :swt:), terus terang seumur2 ngeliat pre-wed baru ini yang paling seru kayanya ^^ 2thumbs up!!
nice idea.. perfect moment.. brilliant bro... Hepi Wedding's Bro..
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